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1. 风味咖喱鸡 Curry Chicken With Pototoes


2. 椰浆饭 Nasi Lemak


3. 海鲜吵米粉 Seafood Fried Meehoon


4. 迷你炸香肠 Cocktial Sausages


5. 香炸芋头角 Fried So Si


6.  三芭鱿鱼 Dry Chili Sotong


7.  炸薄餠 Fried Spring Roll


8.  吐拿三文治面包 Tuna Sandwich


9.  生熟鸡蛋 Egg


10.  娘惹五色糕 Nyonya Desert


11.  美味鲜果盘 Fresh Local Fruits


12.  冰冻橙汁水 Orange Cordial



每人  RM11.90 per pax

SET RM20.80


1. 黄金炸鸡翅 Golden Fried Chicken Wing


2. 风味咖喱鸡 Curry Chicken WIth Potatoes


3. 泰式芒果虾 Thai Mongo Prawn


4. 三芭鱿鱼 Dry Chili Sotong


5. 香炸鱼片 Mayonis Fish Fillet


6. 香炸迷你香肠 Cocktail Sausages


7. 银鱼仔炒饭 Rainbow Fried Rice


8. 海鲜炒米粉 Seafood Fried Meehoon


9. 海鲜炒面 Fried Mee 


10. 美味鲜果盘 Fresh Local Fruits


11. 娘惹五色糕 Nyonya Desert


12. 冰冻橙汁 Orange Juice


13. 罗汉斋 Vegeratian


14. 炸薄餠 Fried Spring Roll

每人RM20.80 Per Pax

Set RM 24


1.黄金炸鸡翅 Golden Fried Chicken Wing


2.奶油鱼片 Butter Fish Fillet


3.冬菇焖凤爪 Muchroom Chicken Feet


4.蘑菇炒豆根 Muchroom Braised Taukan


5.泰式芒果虾 Thai Mango Prawn


6.三芭鱿鱼 Dry Chili Sotong


7. 美味咖喱鸡 Curry Checken With Potatoes


8.银鱼仔炒饭 Fried Rice With Anchories


9.海鲜炒米粉 Seafood Fried Meehoon


10.炸鱼蛋 Fried Fish Ball


11.紫菜四色卷 Four Season Rolls


12.七彩雑雪 ABC Ice Kacang


13.美味鲜果盘 Fresh Local Fruits


14.冰冻橙汁 Orange Juice 


每人 RM22.00 Per Pax

Set RM 26

1.酱王虾 Sauce Fried Prawn


2.风味咖喱鸡 Curry Chicken With Potatoes


3.黄金炸鸡翅 Golden Fried Chicken Wing


4 .姜鸭 Ginger Duck


5.蘑菇炒豆根 Muchroom Braise3d Taukan


6.富贵花开 Vegetarian


7. 香炸秀虾球 Fried Prawn


8.银鱼仔炒饭 Fried Rice With Anchories


9.海鲜炒米粉 Seafood Fried Meehoon


10.紫菜四色卷 Four Season Roll


11. 迷你莲蓉包 Mini Lotus Pao


12. 迷你蛋挞 Mini Lotus Pao


13. 龙眼布丁 Longan Putin


14.七彩雑雪 ABC Ice Kacang


15.冰冻橙汁 Orange Juice

每人 RM26.00 Per Pax

Other side order:

Satay RM 0.70 Pcs

BBQ LAMB RM 900.00 

Promotion For Order RM20.80 above set only


订50 人或以上免费


订 60人以上 免费1个遮棚 50张椅子 5张餐桌

订100人以上 免费 2 个遮棚 餐桌椅子 服务员另算



Terms and Conditions

  • Menu prices are inclusive of a complete set of food warmers, buffet tables, tablecloth & skirting and dinnerware (melamine or disposables).

  • Minimum order quantity is 60 pax. A surcharge is applicable for orders below 60 pax.

  • A 50% deposit is required upon booking confirmation and the balance of payment is to be paid on the event date.

  • All payments made are non-refundable in the event of a cancellation.

  • Terms of payment: Cash or Cheque. If payment is to be made by cheque, please make your crossed cheque payable to "WONG MEE MOY CATERING SERVICES".

  • Broken & missing cutleries will be charged accordingly.

  • We reserve the right to amend the price without prior notice.

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